
Il laboratorio segreto (The secret laboratory)


Il laboratorio segreto (The secret laboratory)


Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe, Città Alta


Italo Vezzoli



Il laboratorio segreto (The secret laboratory)

Il laboratorio segreto (the secret laboratory) is an artistic floor installation, designed to integrate and merge with the landscape of the place that hosts it, Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe. The work focuses on a particular form of optical illusion. The aim is to amaze those who enter the square with a pleasant surprise effect, offering visitors an interactive experience that adds to the Christmas atmosphere that will fill the streets of Città Alta. The painting presents a dreamlike and prospectively immersive vision of a leavened dessert factory, with the panettone as the undisputed protagonist. The masterful creation of an anamorphic painting creates an optical illusion that catapults the visitor onto the threshold of the factory, giving the spectator the chance to take a photograph of himself as a part of the artwork.

Italo Vezzoli

It’s no secret that Italo Vezzoli's panettone is one of the best-selling premium leavened products in Italy because it is as good as the ‘original’ panettone of the past, thanks to a sourdough yeast that has been handed down for four generations and a long artisan tradition.

The brand was born in 2020 within In Croissanteria Srl, a family-run company active since 1996 in the production of baked and leavened products. The aim was to broaden the commercial horizons of a product, Italo Vezzoli's Panettone, which over the years has gathered important national awards. The management of the company is entrusted to Italo Vezzoli, master leavener, and his wife Laura, with an increasingly significant contribution from their sons Cristiano and Nicolò.

Today the brand is at the vertex of global artisan production. Year after year Italo Vezzoli’s panettone and colomba aim to exceed the highest standards in the selection of raw materials and processing, respecting the times and processes of a thousand-year-old tradition, that of leavened products. At the beginning of the 20th century, grandfather Guido was the first in the family to undertake the art of bread-making and to pass on his sourdough starter down through four generations, until today.

To bring the panettone into the third millennium we have also reinterpreted our ‘Original Panettone’ by replacing candied fruit and raisins with drops of lemon cream and glazing it with almond icing.

Massive infrastructure investments have led the company to grow from 400 m2 in 2019 to 2,500 m2 today. The plant has been raised to the highest standards in the sector with the acquisition of latest generation ovens and traditional Artofex mixers, to undertake the new challenges we love to face every day without betraying our roots.



Versatile Artist and Pro 3D Street Painter, Cuboliquido (Milan 1974) has made images the leitmotif of his activities. From the early 1990’s, drawing became his profession and at the same time he began to experiment with street art, dedicating himself to the production of graffiti, but also to the more traditional Madonnari art. Over time he has explored illustration, comics, decoration, video art, animated film production, advertisement commercials, video mapping, and digital live painting.

In 2009 he created his first painting with the Anamorphic “3D” perspective. Since then, he has created installations and paintings at the major festivals in the world dedicated to this art, using this technique, winning awards and recognition such as the prestigious title of Maestro Madonnaro at the International gathering of Madonnari di Grazie in Curtatone, and also the Dubai Canvas Award 2017, the most important competition dedicated to 3D Anamorphic Painting.

His Anamorphic 3D productions have been produced in over 40 countries across five continents.

Among the dozens of brands that have been entrusted him: Disney, BBC, Universal Cinema, Luxottica, Amazon, Coca-Cola, Samsung, Unilever, Save the Children, Expo Milano 2015, Tiffany&Co, Warner Bros...

He has participated in more than 250 events of different nature as a Street Painter. In 2014 he was the first artist to combine 3D anamorphic painting with video animation and video mapping.

His performances have been presented in three different Art Biennials, Contemporary Art exhibitions and some of the most important Festivals in the World dedicated to Street Art. Two of his Madonnaro paintings are preserved in the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Basilica of Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

Cuboliquido participates in Christmas Design 2023 with the work Il laboratorio Segreto by Italo Vezzoli and exhibited in via Piazza Mercato delle Scarpe, Città Alta.

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