
Inner Resonance


Inner Resonance


Piazza della Repubblica


Bonaldi Gruppo Eurocar Italia


MiDi Motori Digitali

Inner Resonance

Who is this in front of me? Who am I and what is there other than me? Inner Resonance is an interactive light installation, an example of new media art. A mirror of light and a large circle of LED lights create a bright and colourful universe. Visitors find themselves before an artwork to observe and in which, simultaneously, to observe themselves. The presence of a camera allows the spectator not only to view his own reflection in the mirror, but to also initiate a dialogue with the installation and at the same time listen to his own inner resonance.

Bonaldi Gruppo Eurocar Italia

Bonaldi is an important commercial enterprise in all of the Italian automotive sector and in the Bergamo area in particular.

In 2018, Gruppo Bonaldi became part of Eurocar Italia Srl, completely controlled by Porsche Holding Salzburg. With over 15,000 vehicles sold every year, Bonaldi - Gruppo Eurocar Italia represents 8 distinct brands: Audi, Volkswagen, Škoda, Seat, Cupra, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, Porsche, Lamborghini and is also a point of reference in the quality used car market. Bonaldi - Gruppo Eurocar Italia is present in Bergamo, Milan, Lecco and Sondrio.

The company is among the largest dealerships in the province of Bergamo, and is committed to addressing challenges related to climate change with the aim of a 30% reduction in CO 2 emissions by 2030. This has always been one of the principles of Bonaldi - Gruppo Eurocar Italia – taking responsibility for the reality in which it has operated for more than 60 years, constructing a future alongside the communities it supports with the promotion of social and artistic projects and initiatives aimed at improving people's lives.

Years of investments and transformation with the Cupra Garage, Audi Prima Scelta Plus and Destination Porsche shipyards are testimony to how much Bonaldi - Eurocar Italia Group cares about the care of the territory; for these construction sites the group has decided to launch tenders only between companies in the provinces in which it is present for contracts relating to the renovation works of its offices.

Bonaldi - Gruppo Eurocar Italia participates in Christmas Design 2023 with the installation Inner Resonance in Piazza della Repubblica, projected by the designers of the MiDi Motori Digitali team.


MiDi Motori Digitali

MiDi Motori Digitali is an association founded in Bergamo with the aim of promoting

research in the field of art and new technologies.

Since 2018, its multifaceted team -made up of 10 talents of different ages and backgrounds - has been creating experiences that combine digital languages ​​with different contemporary artistic expressions, bringing the public closer to innovative creative forms and giving space to an unprecedented category of artists. MiDi Motori Digitali plans and organises events, exhibitions and educational and training activities; and it realises installations that arise from the desire to experiment with technological and digital potential.

“We are a group of young people united by an interest in art and new technologies and we are constantly looking for new forms of expression,” is their claim. “We believe in the multiplicity of visions and in the strength of collaboration. For this precise reason MiDi brings together different skills between cultural operators and experts from the world of art and entertainment, as well as artists, designers, programmers, architects, engineers and graphic designers, united by the common intention of building together ever new projects of a high level and quality."

Their projects have been supported by the Comune di Bergamo, the Cariplo Foundation, the Fondazione della Comunità Bergamasca e da Fondazione ASM gruppo A2A.

MiDi Motori Digitali has collaborated with numerous institutions in the Bergamo area including Daste, l’Accademia di Belle Arti G. Carrara, The Blank, Spazio Fase, Upperlab, Goisis, Orto Botanico di Bergamo Lorenzo Rota, TTB, HG80 and many others.

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