




Via Tasso angolo Largo Belotti




Chiara Arrigoni e Martina Nodari


The Greek term horama, in fact, refers to the view of a territory, a pleasant view, an immersive experience connected with the landscape and its beauty (our word panorama derives from it).

Horama consists of seven triangles of different heights placed around a circular base. Some of the parts are made of perforated sheet metal, which, arranged in a particular way, recreate a special light effect. The installation is made entirely of metal and visitors are invited to observe it from very close, so that each one can create their own intimate relationship with the work. The radial platform of the artwork is inscribed in a circle 6 meters in diameter. At every step, visitors will be able to see their own reflection along the path, brought about by a mirrored coating that recalls bodies of water, rivers and lakes, praising fusion with nature (but is also a tribute to the work of Yayoi Kusama. Infinito Presente).

Lighting is a fundamental element for Horama, with a strong impact even in the evening hours. The fulcrum of the installation is a central spot of RGB lights, animated by a dynamic intensity and color variations, between yellow, green and blue, tones of the natural landscapes of Bergamo and Brescia. The LED strips applied to the profiles of the work add a play of lights amplified by the reflective base. Thus Horama is nature, life, earth and water, but above all light. The soundtrack composed by cellist Daniela Savoldi further emphasises the atmosphere.

Horama, conceived by the students of the LABA Academy, Chiara Arrigoni and Martina Nodari, under the guidance of professors Andrea Paroli and Nazareno Cerquaglia, has been created thanks to the contribution of A2A and RPP S.r.l. (Nocivelli Group) and exhibited in Largo Bortolo Belotti.


A2A is the Life Company that puts life and its quality at the centre of all its work, dealing with energy, water and the environment. A2A is first in Italy in the circular economy for waste treatment, for the recovery of energy from urban waste and for district heating. In terms of capacity, it is the second national operator in installed energy generation. With over 13,000 employees, A2A manages the generation, sale and distribution of energy; the sale and distribution of gas; district heating; waste management; electric mobility and other smart services for cities; public lighting; and the water service. The Company is listed on the Stock Exchange.

A2A is among the first companies to have defined a policy inspired by the 17 objectives of the UN Agenda 2030, because sustainability is at the core of its industrial strategy. A2A's support for the world of culture is an expression of its being a Life Company, which contributes to improving the lives of people and the planet. For this reason A2A was among the protagonists of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023 with the installation Light is Life. Festa della Luce, held in the two cities and in Monte Isola, enhancing the enormous artistic and landscape heritage of the area and also focusing on messages of responsible consumption and social solidarity, through support for the energy bank  project to fight poverty of energy.

A2A participates in Christmas Design 2023 with the installation Horama, designed by Chiara Arrigoni and Martina Nodari of LABA, Libera Accademia Belle Arti of Brescia.

RPP Srl (Nocivelli Group)

Run Power Plants is a Brescia-based company that deals with the design, construction, supply, installation and maintenance of LED lighting, with its headquarters in Castenedolo. Leader in the lighting engineering sector, it guarantees the optimization of the design process. Thanks to highly qualified personnel and through the use of advanced software, it develops, analyzes and designs the product in all its parts, resulting in the development of custom made devices.

Since 2016 RPP Srl has become part of the large corporate structure of the Nocivelli Group, S.p.A. listed on the Euronext Growt Milan market, with headquarters in Castegnato (Brescia).


The Nocivelli Group was born in 1963 with the trade of petroleum products and lubricants; since 1988 it has focused on business diversification by opening up to technological services and providing customer assistance in facility management activities.

Today Nocivelli Group is an ESCo (Energy Service Company) that offers a complete range of skills and services for complete circuit energy efficiency and is the reference player for the relaunch of the Italian Healthcare System, as an interlocutor for public administrations and healthcare companies. Among its main contributions to the sector of plant construction and maintenance are, the Presidio Ospedaliero Spedali Civili in Brescia, the IRCCS National Cancer Institute and the ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco in Milan.

The Group works with attention to the satisfaction of its customers and the evolution of the market, developing its own working methodology in a structured way for the construction and management of public and private works/infrastructures, thanks to the strong expertise of the management and the specialized know-how acquired over the years of activity.


Chiara Arrigoni e Martina Nodari

Chiara Arrigoni and Martina Nodari, very young designers, are both attending the last year of the Master's Degree course in Interior & Green Design at the Libera Accademia di Belle Arti LABA in Brescia. Together they conceived the Horama installation, thanks to the guidance and coordination of two teachers Andrea Paroli and Nazareno Cerquaglia of LABA. The work, exhibited in Largo Bortolo Belotti, was created thanks to the contribution of A2A and RPP Srl (Nocivelli Group).

We asked the two promising talents how their passion for this subject was born.

Chiara Arrigoni, 23, of Osio Sotto: “The world of interior design has fascinated me since I was little. In middle school, I used to look through furniture magazines and was surprised by the designers' ability to interpret people's requests and desires to be able to transform them into reality within a welcoming but at the same time functional physical space. I would also like to be able to help others find a harmonious and rewarding relationship with their home. For this reason, I hope to become a good interior designer and to be able to design spaces with a strong personality."

Martina Nodari, 23, of Castelcovati: “The passion for art and drawing has accompanied me since I was a child; I couldn't help but constantly carry white paper albums and colored pencils with me. I have always had clear ideas and from those endless little houses drawn on paper to the passion for interior decoration and design it has all been a crescendo. After my studies I would like to start working in this field to become an interior designer who knows not only to listen and interpret the needs and desires of her clients, but also to create for them an emotional space.”

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